1. Soft Skills: Need for communication skills in an increasingly digital work environment.
Of these, communication has emerged as one of the most important and necessary soft skills. Many organisations emerged from 2020 with an increased readiness for digital transformation.
Role of L&D in developing effective communication.
One of them is leveraging a wide range of ready-to-use, curated courses that are designed specifically for personal and interpersonal skills development. These courses empower L&D to deliver effective development opportunities to employees, while achieving better engagement and desired business goals.
While it has always been a fundamental skill set, the digital and remote work environment has now made it extremely critical.
Bite-sized learning modules that have problem-based elements, such as scenarios and case-studies, are an effective way to stimulate critical thinking and enhance problem-solving skills.
2. Are Indian employees skill-ready for the future of work?
The need of the hour is to build resilience in employees with the right skills and support their upskilling. As per the UdemyGlobal Skills Gap Report, a majority of the employees in India agree that there is a skills gap in the country and two-thirds feel personally affected by it. The report further reveals that Indian employees realise the importance of professional development while also feeling responsible for it and expect their employers to offer support for upskilling.
3. Microlearning, as the name suggests, is a way of offering short, crisp and focused content nuggets to learners, at the time and place of their need. When done in the right manner and context, microlearning can be a highly effective method of training.
Suitable for learners with shorter attention spans.
This makes microlearning the best way to offer much-needed skills training to such a workforce.
Enables training through mobile devices.
At a time when remote workers are increasingly relying on mobile learning, microlearning is a great way to deliver skill-development programmes.
Making the best use of bite-sized videos.
One of the most effective and engaging ways of imparting skills training is videos. There are multiple ways in which micro e-learning videos can be used to build different skills. With the help of videos, learners can be guided on different aspects of communication, such as verbal/non-verbal communication, body language, tone, gestures, and so on.
Utilising micro problem-based learning modules.
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