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Thursday 14 September 2023

HR Learning: 15 Sep, 2023


Strategic partnerships: How to choose the right partner for skill development?

To make the most of a skills partnership, leaders must exercise caution in choosing the right partner in the learning transformation journey. Today, job seekers are encountering difficulties in securing employment that matches their skill sets while employers grapple with the challenge of finding qualified talent.

Rapid technological advancements and shifts in industry requirements have led to a skills gap where traditional education and training often lag behind real-world needs.

Bridging this gap requires a concerted effort from educational institutions, industries, and policymakers to align learning outcomes with current workforce demands and promote ongoing skill development and upskilling opportunities.

While some organisations are creating their own programs to resolve this disconnect, most organisations are working with skills partners.

Consider this: A large majority of (86%) of organisations already work with Skills partners, but only 22% said they extensively engage with partners, according to a dipstick study by People Matters and Skillsoft on “Strategizing for Skills Transformation”. 


Are employers giving people what they need to build skills for the future?

 Cornerstone's new report finds that nearly half of employees don’t believe they have what they need from their employer to build the skills they will need for the future. Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc., a leader in learning and talent experience solutions, today announced the release of its 2023 Talent Health Index, providing a comprehensive view of the state of talent programmes across organisations worldwide. The report, led by the Cornerstone People Research Lab, finds most organisations are falling behind with their talent health initiatives. The data reveals a persistent gap between what employees think they need to be able to grow and develop at work, and what today's talent programmes are actually providing them. This enduring gap cements the need for organisations to invest more in a holistic talent strategy to develop their people’s skills and adapt to sweeping workplace changes.



Adapting to the new era of workplace communication: A Conversation with Ashish Kumar Jha, CEO of Vani.Coach

In uncertain times, effective communication will emerge as a crucial factor differentiating businesses and influencing their overall outcomes. Here’s what you need to know. In today's fast-paced work environment, effective communication has become more critical than ever before. It plays a vital role in helping individuals perform better at their jobs. With fast-changing workplace dynamics, a new generation of employees joining the workforce and increasing digital disruption, soft skills are going to play a key role in charging the future of the business. Communication can be likened to the fitness of a sportsperson; just as an athlete needs to be in top physical shape to excel, a working professional's communication fitness significantly impacts their job performance. 

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