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Saturday, 19 December 2015

Role play- Errors in PMS

   Shahzad at the Performance Interview during the time of appraisal

 Avneet listening with concern to Shahzad's opinions

Shahzad and Avneet discuss views at an appraisal, highlighting certain errors of PMS in recent times in the form of a role-play.

They describe a situation bringing out the effects of the following errors of Performance Management:
         Leniency (I AM GOOD, SO YOU ARE GOOD) or severity
         Central tendency (IN-BETWEEN RATINGS)
         Halo error (1 ASPECT DOMINATES OTHERS)

Also, they describe a situation bringing out the effects of the following errors of Performance Management:
         Primacy (EARLY STAGES OF REVIEW) and recency (END OF REVIEW) effects
         Perceptual set (PARTICULAR REGION)

And, they describe a situation bringing out the effects of the following errors of Performance Management:
     Spill over effect (INFLUENCE OF PAST RATING)

Thursday, 17 December 2015

AIMA's in collaboration with IESMCRC, 16th National Management Quiz (NMQ) and 3rd HR Quiz (Shakti), HR Club Activity

All India Management Association held its 16th National Management Quiz and 3rd HR Quiz (Shakti) at IESMCRC, its Venue Host. 

There were around 40 teams, comprising of 2 participants each, from leading Indian companies. The Registration began at 9am. 

                                          Registration Desk for AIMA Quiz Participants

 It was followed by written and buzzer rounds of elimination for the 2 Quizzes. 

 Director, IESMCRC addressing the audience with a Welcome Speech

 Quiz master starting the Event...

...the Buzzer rounds begin
 Mr. Mansoor Hassan, AIMA felicitating the Director, IESMCRC with a memento

Our Director, IESMCRC felicitated the Winners with trophies and certificates. 

Director, IESMCRC  awarding the AIMA Prizes 

30 IESMCRC 1st Year PGDM students attended the programme. 
Dr. M.W. Shaikh (Associate Dean – Academics), Prof. Prajakta Dhuru (HR faculty) and Prof. (Mrs.) Merlyn Michael D’souza (HR Club Faculty-in-charge) attended the function. 

Participant Teams, 
Students, Prof. Merlyn Michael D'souza, Prof. Prajakta Dhuru, Quiz Master, 
Director, Dr. D. D. Harsolekar, Dr. M.W. Shaikh, 
AIMA personnel, Mr. M. Hassan

It culminated with sumptuous lunch organized by IESMCRC.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Activity puzzle - Qualities an HR professional brings to a company

An activity performed in PMS LECTURE by HR students on the qualities an HR manager gets on the table in an organization. They included qualities like 'positive attitude', 'communication skills', 'creativity' etc. and the list went on...

The steps involve:

  • Participants were given a blank piece of puzzle (cut up a sheet of index card stock).
  • Each person wrote on the piece one skill which they contribute to the group.  
  • The puzzle was then assembled to show that everyone contributes to the whole.
  • Every person contributed to the team  
  • The role of HR is to coordinate the team efforts.

Contributors - 

This was done under the supervision of Prof. (Mrs.) Merlyn Michael D'souza