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Monday, 6 March 2017

HR learning: 6 Mar, 2017

How technology drives the self-developing organisation.

A self-developing organisation requires a unified approach and some smart technology to enable employees to seamlessly follow their growth paths. 
Organisations need meticulous efforts to remain sustainable and self-developing in this VUCA world. An organisation that empowers its people to take control of their own development and career paths is a self-developing organisation in the true sense. However, this is easier said than done: it requires a unified approach and smart technology to enable employees to easily find and progress along their paths for growth.
With the present-day workforce comprising mostly millennials, who value learning opportunities, it becomes more important for firms to adopt the practices of the self-developing organisation. It just requires organisations to create an open environment where learning and empowerment opportunities are easily available to anyone.
Only by leveraging an efficient technology solution can employers provide staff the right kind of environment to learn and grow independently. To create a self-developing organisation, firms must help employees understand their current capabilities as well as the skills required for future advancement. This means companies need to provide actionable information to workers through accessible platforms, so that staffs are aware of what they need to accomplish and what skills and capabilities they need to build to successfully meet their goals.  

How L&D can change organisations?

The more organisations focus on the learning and development (L&D) of their employees, the more they stand to benefit in the long run.
As per the laws of human life, people enter the workforce once they complete their education. As a result, it is only natural for them to think that their education is over but they are mistaken; their real education, in fact, is just starting. Theoretical knowledge just helps to get one started. Real-life ground experience is what true learning is. Organisations, in addition to being productive places of work, are the real-life B-Schools.
The more organisations focus on the learning and development (L&D) of their employees, the more they stand to benefit in the long run. It's an investment that would pay off when the workers know they craft better than anyone and contribute their honed talents to better the bottom lines. Plus, if you're worried about your employee retention, rest assured once you put an effective learning roadmap in place the retention rate is going to improve drastically. Employees know that they add immense value to the output of their organisation; it is only fair that the workplace contributes towards their learning and development.
In light of this, we have seen investment in leadership development, and L&D as a whole has grown over the last two or three years. While this is a good head start, organisations still have a long way to go in terms of L&D. Currently, the major challenge facing L&D service providers comes in the form of business metrics. Organisations need to see return on investments and hence they are constantly asking to show impact of L&D programs and how it changes the business outcomes. The need of the hour is for L&D service providers to step up their game to show the impact their programmes will have on the overall business.

Innovations in Digital HR

Technology not only streamlines the trajectory of an organisation but also elevates success and growth, from micro to macro level.
Fourth industrial revolution is almost upon us and its effects have started to bring a radical shift in the ways businesses operate. This era of emergence will be characterized by advancements in the fields of artificial intelligence, biometrics, nanotechnology, quantum computing, internet of things and 3D printing, working in collaboration to process volumes of data at unprecedented speeds. 
Today, organisations are progressively undergoing a phase of digital transformation which is promising enough to reshape any business model.  This trend is prominently visible in the HR division, where personnel are regularly adapting and engaging with the new-age novelties to ensure smooth communication both, internal and external.
While these trends are ever-evolving, it is expected that 2017 will further restructure HR, bringing in a vast new pool of opportunities through technology. Few of the expected developments which will surface are mentioned below:
1.      Digital talent hunt
2.      Data Integration
3.      Facilitate online interviews 
4.   Future expectations

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